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What is a Maternity Coach?

A Maternity Coach is an independent, completely confidential resource who will partner with a Momma as they prepare for Maternity Leave and reentry.

Through individual coaching sessions, Mor will work with a Momma to clarify intentions, set goals in any pertinent areas of work or life, work through any hardships, and curate strategies for moving forward.

Is Mor only for first time Mommas?

No. Mor is a program for any and all working Mommas. Whether it’s your first kid or seventh. It’s also for Mommas who aren’t sure if they are coming back from Maternity Leave.

Do I have to pay to participate in Maternity Coaching?

No. Mor was established as a non-profit to ease the burden of participation on Mommas. Having a child is expensive, we want to help alleviate stress not add to it with more financial strain. However, if you are in a place to make a donation that is always welcome and allows us to serve more Mommas.

Does my company have to donate to Mor so I can participate?

No. The basic idea of Mor is to open the service to as many Mommas as possible. Whether your company donates or not does not exclude you from services. Of course, we want as many companies as possible to donate so we can provide bigger and better programs to the Mommas. So with your permission we’ll ask your company, but again, you will not be excluded from participation if they decline.

Can I refer a company or a Working Mom to Mor for services?

Of course! Just reach out via our Contact Form – or give us a call directly. Also, your referral can remain confidential and anonymous if you prefer.

Can I work with Mor if I haven’t told my place of employment yet that I am having a child?

Yes! Reach out and tell us your situation. We can start the program prior to you sharing the news if it makes sense, and even work with you to craft your approach to informing your employer if you’d like. 

When does Mor typically start working with a Working Mom?

Typically our first working session will be about 2-3 months prior to Maternity Leave. However, there is benefit to working with Mor at any stage. If you just heard about us and are headed out on leave in a week – let’s meet! If you just found out you are pregnant and trying to figure some things out – let’s meet!

What is the structure of the Maternity Coaching Program?

Typically we meet 3-4 times prior to Maternity Leave. Then when you return an additional 5-7 sessions, and more frequent digital check-ins. Check out our Momma  section for more information. Scheduling of your in-person sessions will be at your discretion.

Where do the Maternity Coaching sessions take place?

If feasible it's great to meet in-person or via zoom. Phone is an option too. You will need to have a private space you can use for the sessions. Some of this also depends on travel time for Mor, we'll work together to figure out a good solution that works for you.

Questions that we haven't answered?

Reach out! We'd love to hear from you.